A New Generation
of Physiologic Signals
Providing insight to patients at risk
Enabling Earlier Intervention
to Improve Patient Outcomes
New Vital Signs is developing an innovative wearable monitoring platform that provides a new generation of precision vital signs that indicate change earlier than traditional vital signs.
The New Vital Signs wearable platform is based on advanced research at the University of Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC). In a unique multi-disciplinary approach to clinical problem solving, New Vital Signs has partnered with MCIRCC to develop low cost scalable tools to identify patients at risk.
Dynamic Respiratory
Impedance Volume Evaluation

DRIVE is a revolutionary wearable monitor allowing for rapid assessment of circulating volume in a dynamic manner that links cardiovascular and respiratory function. DRIVE allows for the determination of fluid responsiveness and also serves as a highly accurate respiratory quality monitor. DRIVE has tremendous potential to be utilized in patients with sepsis, trauma, heart failure, dialysis and a variety of conditions effecting respiration including COPD, asthma, and even opioid use.
Brain Impedance

TOBI is noninvasive impedance based wearable monitor allowing for rapid and continuous evaluation and monitoring of cerebral autoregulation. TOBI is being developed to monitor cerebral autoregulation to improve outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury, stroke, cardiac arrest, sepsis, and complex surgical procedures where failure to maintain cerebral autoregulation can result in severe neurologic impairment.
Vascular Tone
Monitoring System

VATMOS is a combined piezoelectric-optical wearable designed to continuously assess peripheral vascular tone providing real-time insights into to how the cardiovascular system is responding to illness and injury before changes in traditional vital signs like blood pressure occur. VATMOS also provides feedback on the physiologic response to treatment. VATMOS is being designed as a vascular vital sign for use in patients at risk for hypotension in settings such as sepsis, trauma, complex cardiovascular surgeries, traumatic brain injury and others